Ista Weyr Galleries - Leona - January 17th, 2007

Ista Weyr: Hatching Galleries

A tiered series of bleachers, their surfaces worn smooth from centuries' worth of use, with stairways on either side for access. There is a broad railing carved from stone to prevent onlookers from falling down. During a Hatching, thick and comfortable pillows in the Weyr's colors of black and orange are brought out to cushion the hard seating, and drudges come and go to bring refreshments to the spectators. A walkway at the top and back of the gallery continues through a tunnel to the west. A brilliant, vividly colored mural is painted across the walls.

Lomare slips into the galleries, staggering slightly, and glaring at her sister Leona's firelizard, Tanfri. "What're you lookin' at?" she slurs, before flopping down onto the bench. She wears a brand new candidate knot, but she's still a little drunk from before she was searched. In her hands is a mug of very strong klah, which she's sipping from, trying to sober up. She resembles her sister rather a lot, except half a foot shorter.

Artien slowly meanders into the area, wrapping his arms over his chest and looking curiously around for any people. He shifts a bit uncomfortably before moving towards the end of the gallaries, trying to pick a less-occupied spot to himself. His eyes narrow slightly as he tries to make out the eggs in the sand.

Lomare is trying to remain hidden, she is. So she doesn't appreciate that firelizard screeching at her, not one bit. "Go 'way!" she mutters, scowling at the firelizard. "Silly boy." again, at the firelizard. "What're you doin' here?" this time, at Artien, as the woman sits up. She looks a little old to be a candidate, really. But, she has the knot.

Jeriah has all but fallen asleep in the much cooler air of the Galleries. That is, until the still mildly inebriated Lomare staggers loudly into the seating area. "Hullo." The exhausted goldrider smiles tiredly, and then headnods to Artien as he comes in as well. She glances out over the eggys and giggles a little.

Artien looks up as he's spoken to, shifting a little uncomfortably in his seat. His eyes flicker down, looking as though he's done something wrong, "I…erm…I was just going to come look at the eggs…I haven't seen any before." He says slowly, trying to avoid looking at the other two.

Lomare manages a quasi-respectful grunt of a "Hello." to Jeriah. She's not really at her best right now. She glances down at the eggs, frowning. "'S def'nately a lot of 'em." she says, probably seeing double, and squinting at them. "Why won' they quit moving?" she complains, before taking a swig of her klah and shuddering.

Jeriah has heard tales of a 29 year old former renegade impressing a queen and being one of the best Weyrwomen Ista has had in the last hundred turns, though short her time may have been. Being largely the openminded sort, Jeri doesn't think twice to ask how it was that Lomare came across her knot. Then again, turns of living in a weyr will open one to all sorts of things. "Please do," she turns her attention to Artien, as the woman seems to largely be occupying herself. "It always amazes me how different they all look from each other, even coming from the same sire and dam." The smile turns back into a grin and she glances up to Lomare, "They will, even now they wiggle and waggle in the shell. You must've excellent vision to see it….."

Artien looks up at Jeriah, shifting in his seat again and quickly looks down at his feet, "I've never seen eggs before." He murmers quietly, fingering a knot in his hand. "They're a lot bigger than I thought they'd be." He pauses for a moment, as if deciding something, "Are they going to get bigger?"

Lomare blushes, considering Jeriah's comment a compliment perhaps. "Why, thank you." she says, with a smile. "I see stuff move all the time." she giggles and hiccups, then leans forward. "They're pretty eggs." she adds, though she does frown at some of them. "Well, mostly. Some're odd. Is that one on fire?!" she asks, alarmed.

Jeriah shakes her head. "Not really. Maybe by a few finger lengths here or there, but hardly enough to be perceptible. Mostly, they'll just harden until the hatchlings are ready to come out, and we'll all have a hot day on the sands waiting for them to do so. You know, it makes me wonder how it is that twice, even three times their number hatched, and how it is that people managed to survive so much time out there." Then again, she's a little warn already from the heat. "Thank you, they're Teloriith's first, she's understandibly proud of them." She giggles a little, "No, thank Faranth, it just looks as though it is, flame kissed I suppose, like it's mother.

Artien nods his head as he shifts again in his seat, frowning a little to himself as his eyes flicker to the eggs in question. "We…have to go down there?" He asks, as if just realizing the mess he's gotten himself into. A curious glance is given to the other, arching a brow, "Erm…it's not on fire…"

Lomare frowns at the egg, and shakes her head, pointing slightly to the right of the 'Fire in the Darkness' egg "Looks like it's on fire." she says, not slurring -quite- so much anymore. The klah is working, it seems. It is very strong klah. Just then, the pesky firelizard, Tanfri, launches up and soars over to the entrance, landing on the shoulder of Leona, who has just entered, and is scowling. "Lakareth said I was needed — oh. You." she glares at Lomare, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Leona, only half a foot shorter.

Jeriah nods again. "More than once, if Teloriith will allow. You'll get to touch them when their a bit harder, and then when they hatch, you'll be down there with all the other candidates, swaying from side to side to keep your feet from burning too terribly, as the sand will be quite hot. But it's not that bad really, I just don't deal well with heat. I come from cooler climes originally, you see. Where is it that you come from?" She seems genuinely intrested to know about the young tanner, as she watches him until Leona garners her attention. A breif nod is given to the brownrider, since she seems to have other things on her mind at the moment. Moyrel is also given a nod and a smile, but the main focus of her attention at the moment is the Candidate.

Artien shifts in his seat, trying to scamper a bit further down the line, maybe they'll forget he's there. "I'm from the Tannerhall." Art says quietly, "Down in landing." Yup, he's not as talkitive as he used to be. "Do we /have/ to go down there?"

Leona frowns at her sister, Lomare, the drunken candidate. "How's the klah? Sobering?" she snorts, rolling her eyes. Lomare blinks up at her older sister. "L'ona, please," the female candidate says, frowning at the brownrider. But, Leona pretends not to notice, "Good day, Jeriah. Teloriith has a fine clutch, Lakareth has been working overtime bringing candidates in." she says, with a proud grin, and a nod to Artien.

Moyrel moves forward and look over the railing at the eggs now more in earnest, sinking into thought as she examines each one from the distance. She, of course, is too old, and has too many responsibilities, to be a rider candidate herself. "So," she asks the crown in general. "When are they due to hatch?"

For once remaining clean, instead of covered in dust and dried mud, after a hard day's work, Vioterin makes his way slowly up the stairs to the gallery. His two younger firelizardsa blue and the brownare perched one on each shoulder; the third zips ahead of him and lands high above, peering downward at the eggs with a very dubious expression. It would seem that Berry still isn't convinced that those could possibly be eggs. "All right, you two," Vio addresses the firelizards, "I'll bring you to see the eggs, too. Why you couldn't come alone like Berry did…" He sighs and shakes his head—and then belatedly realizes that he's not the only one approaching. He lifts an arm to wave at the others, unsettling one of the firelizards. "Hello," he calls, as he approaches. Not too far behind him are two other Candidates. It looks like Ronnel and Sherred, two of the ones in his chore section. Maybe he was talking to them instead of the firelizards?

Marian has decided to come up for another look at the eggs. Earlier she was here, but she had to go somewhere. Yes. Now, she's on her free time, but when she sees all the people in the galleries she pauses at the top of the stairs, looking about in what can only be described as dismay. People, and lots of 'em!

Artien pushes himself out of his feet as more people keep filing in, quickly heading out the door. If he'd been hoping to glance at the eggs in silence, that moment has now passed.

Jeriah nods, giggling just a little. "Yes, you really do. It's not that bad. I'd take you down there now, but the eggs are too soft just yet for my love to be comfortable enough to allow it." She looks up to the craftrider with a broadening grin. "Searching in your Crafthall? Excellent. I'm glad Mastertanner Bellorya allows it. Sometimes, craftmasters are very grudging about that sort of thing. I'm sure you've never been that way, Master Moyrel? Oh not for a few months now, they're not even a month old yet themselves."

Leona looks over at the sands, and shrugs. "I think they'll hatch when they're ready to hatch." she tells Moyrel, with a vague smile. Leona may be Weyrbred, but the only hatching she's been to up close was Lakareth's. Lomare grumbles, "Hope it's soon. I don't want to be a candidate forever." as she downs the last of her very strong klah, practically sober already. Leona grins at Jeriah, and nods. "Well, tanners make great riders, I should know. We've got a headstart on straps making." she points out, with a laugh.

Moyrel nods to Leona. "Mm. so they're pretty fresh, then. I imagine the Weyr will be alerted as usual, when they start getting shaky and rolly." She sighs just a little. "I lose so many of my people to the Weyrs, though. Everyone wants to be a Weyrharper—but then it is a prestigious position."

Vioterin keeps making his way up the stairs, then, curious, he approaches the gathered group. Behind him, the two other Candidates whisper to each other about the goldrider and the Masterharper, looking uncertain. Vio doesn't whisper, but he doesn't look entirely sure of himself in such company. "Hullo," he greets, giving a brief, bright smile. "Just thought I'd come with this lot to give the eggs another looking-over." Then he peers down at the brooding queen. "You don't think she minds, do you?"

"Obviously not or there wouldn't be people here!" Marian points out, bouncing over to Vioterin and leaning an elbow against his shoulder. "Hello!" she says brightly to everyone else. "How's everyone this lovely day?"

Moyrel nods to Marian and then to Vioterin. "Yeah," she says to the latter. "The dragons have been dealing with humans looking at their eggs since—well, since the beginning. As long as nobody gets too close, candidates notwithstanding." Then, to Marian: "I'm well and fine, thanks. You?"

Lomare points out helpfully, "They're already shaky and rolly." but Leona just pats her sister's hand and says, "No, Lom, you're still drunk," rolling her eyes. Lomare eyes Vioterin and the two male candidates behind him with a frown. "I have to share a room with /males/?" she asks, with a scowl of distaste, sober enough to notice these things at last. "I'm practically a Master!" she complains. "I had my own room at Telgar!" Again, Leona rolls her eyes. "You're a candidate now, Lom, and you'll share a room with the other candidates. That's the rule. If you don't like it, I'll take you back to Telgar."

Moyrel looks down again at the eggs, and tilts her head quizzically, arching an eyebrow at some aspect. "Another family of riders, I take it?" she says to Leona. Then, to Vioterin: "So, you're going to attempt to impress one of those?"

Marian's half-pouncing him quickly grabs Vio's attention. "Hi, Marian! I'm doing pretty well. You're all right since yesterday, I hope?" Then he arches an eyebrow at the vehement response to male presence by Lomare. "I promise I don't bite," he says, wiggling his fingers in another wave and offering a half-smile that's probably not as reassuring as he might have hoped. "Your own room, huh? Wow, almost a master? That's great. You must be really skilled!" He's trying to be friendly, he really is! Then of course his attention goes to Moyrel, since she has addressed him. "Well, I was Searched. You can't really refuse an honor like that. I'm not so sure about Impressing, though… It's not something I ever thought about, you know?"

Marian smirks. "And even if he does I'm sure someone can make a muzzle for him to wear." she says playfully. "And I'm doing fine." she shifts a glance over towards the eggs and smiles. "Oooh, it's definitely the waiting that's the worst part of candidacy!"

Moyrel leans over the railing, looking at the eggs, and then at the dragon. Finally she turns to address Vioterin again. "It's like I keep saying, I always wanted to be Searched, but it never happened. Fate wanted to take me in a different direction. I'm satisfied, more than satisfied, with my lot in life, though. Not many make it to the top of a Craft. Still, I do often wonder how it would be if it had been otherwise."

Leona looks shocked, then blushes, then finally, nods. "Parents and brothers are all riders. Lomare is the first of my three sisters to be searched, though. Marelon is too old, and probably wouldn't accept anyway, she loves her children, both hers and the Weyr's. She's a nanny, and she fosters. I suppose Cleo is about the right age, but…" she grimaces. "Cleo is a brat." To tell the truth, Lomare looks like she's too old too, she looks like an older shorter version of Leona, despite being younger, at 29. As for the comments on Lomare's skill, she grins and nods. "I'm a vintner. Senior journeyman. Mostly the craft deals with wine, but in my spare time I brew an ale that puts my sister's to shame, it's so strong." and she hiccups. Leona snorts. "Brew, or drink?"

Jeriah looks concerned for a moment as Artien feels a little too crowded and leaves, but soon she's distracted and doesn't follow after. "So long as we stay up here, she won't mind at all, though she'll let us know if we're being too loud, she's taking a break just now and getting some rest. Speaking of Weyrharpers, how's Danewt in Xanadu doing? I haven't been able to get down there to visit in a while, and I'm guessing he's been rather busy since he's not come up for a visit." Herself not a great fan of crowds, Jeriah chooses to focus a little, watching everyone as they mingle naturally on their own.

Tellus jogs up the stairs with a bright smile on her face. The crafter's long hair, bound in a ponytail, bounces around like a snake in a fight for its life. While she does spot residents, candidates, and others around she pays particular attention to one such resident. Jeriah. "Hello, Jeriah. How are you and Teloriith doing?"

Moyrel nods pensively, and appreciatively, at Leona. "That sounds like a busy family. I come from a trader family myself, the first in a few generations who's not a trader." She smiles a bit. "Not that they're disappointed. I was in fact encouraged to join the craft. All but pushed, actually." To Lomare: "Oh? I've tried my hand at ale-brewing occasionally. It's not really my forte, though I have made submissions to those brewing contests, not that I've ever gotten it /quite/ right. Yet."

"Muzzle? Muzzles are for canines!" Vio objects to Marian, and reaches over to try and ruffle her hair. He'll get her back, he will! "Waiting bad? Well, worse if your feet are itching to get back on the trail. I'm not sure how I'll handle it if I actually do Impress — but there are so many Candidates already, I'm not sure that should even concern me," Vio observes.
Vioterin listens to Moyrel silently for a moment. "You're the MasterHarper though. That's no small accomplishment, now, is it? And dragonriders can't become masters. If you'd become a rider, you'd be wondering what would have happened if you never had," he says.
"A vintner, huh?" Vio asks of Lomare, clearly interested. "Hmm. I like a good stout ale, myself, but you can't get the full benefit of it as a Candidate. I'm only allowed one drink at a time, it seems." He wrinkles his nose at that. "Well, I do wish you the best of luck."
He glances back toward Moyrel. "I'm from a trader family, as well — but I think I told you that when we met before, MasterHarper." He gives an impish grin. "I'm considerably more presentable today, you may have noticed." His expression becomes one of perfect innocence.
About that time, Sherred decides to come forward. "Hey, she's cute," she says, nudging Ronnel in the ribs with an elbow as she looks over Marian. "Wonder if she's taken?"
"You ought to wonder if she's interested in girls," the Minecrafter Candidate retorts.

Leona shrugs at Moyrel, "Not really, there were only five of us kids, we didn't find out about our half brother and sister until we'd all left home. Kind of funny that both parents had a kid outside of their shared childrens. But that's how it went. No, a busy family is Marelon's, she's got seven of her own at last count, or possibly eight, and three fostered under her care. As well as being one of Telgar's nannies." Lomare meanwhile leans over towards Vioterin and seems about to whisper something, than thinks better of it. She does complain, "I was told I wasn't allowed to have /any/thing to drink." with a glare up at Leona.

Marian merely ducks out of the way of Vioterin's impending hairruffle. at Sherred's words, she winks back at the other girl, and then jabs Vioterin in the side. "Don't mess up my hair, it took me an hour to get it neat!" she tosses her hair over her shoulder, smiling. Making a show of it, it seems. She thinks her hair is pretty.

Moyrel turns to look at Sherred, and chuckles softly at the flirting. "Mm. My in-laws are mostly riders, though, mostly at Western," she says then to both Leona and Vioterin. "All dragon colors, with the exception of bronze, if I recall right. My daughter will have many futures from which to choose. I'm happy for her for that."

Jeriah smiles brightly over to Tellus, though she's looking more than a bit bedraggled. "We're, well….she's well so long as I'm close, and I'm well past roasted already. I don't know how I'm going to hold up for at least three more months, maybe more. Then again, she might relax a little as they mature." She sighs and takes a sig of the waterskin that's been loosely held in her hand the whole time. "How're things with you and Frances and your wher?"

Leona grins and nods at Moyrel. "Between myself and my three brothers, we've got every colour represented bar gold." she says, simply. Lomare pipes up, facetiously, "That'll be me!" and then she and Leona roll their eyes simultaneously. Eerie. Leona continues, with a shrug, "Funny how that worked out. I mean, none of us intended to impress. Well, I don't know about A'jam, he's our half-brother, born before our parents ever met. We didn't know he existed until long after he'd impressed. But our older brother, L'ren, is a harper, impressed green, made Journeyman some turns later. Our younger brother is a trader, and a bluerider." she chuckles, "He shares my love of travel, does N'mar. So does his dragon, luckily enough."

Vioterin arches an eyebrow at the almost-whispered comment that Lomare seems ready to make. "Well, rules say just one drink. I haven't had any, just to be on the safe side, but I do miss my ale." He shakes his head somberly. "It's probably for the best. I certainly don't want to be drunk once I have to go down there," he says, indicating the eggs with a broad, dramatic sweep of one of his arms. "That would be terrible."
And then Marian jabs him in the ribs. "OW! Hey, what was that for?" he asks, rubbing at his side. "That hurt." He frowns and peers at Marian, then arches an eyebrow as he realizes she's flirting back with Sherred. He stifles a snicker, but manages to refrain from commenting.
Then Vio grins at Moyrel. "Well, she could be the world's best Harper, then, or one of the future Weyrwomen. You never know. Or she might grow up with a horrible wanderlust and be one of us good-for-nothing money-grubbing traders." He puts his most innocent expression on—although chances are at his age, he's heard plenty such comments said in earnest.
Meanwhile, Sherred giggles at the wink thrown her way by Marian and wiggles her fingers while batting her eyelashes. Where she picked up that technique is anyone's guess, but she's clearly enjoying the attention. Ronnel just rolls his eyes and wanders over toward the railing to peer at the eggs, grumbling something about how weird weyrgirls are.

Tellus soberly walks along until she spots a vantage point near the gold rider. "Ah, " the miner casts a glance towards the sands and gives a light bow to gold, "well hopefully so." After finding that right spot Tellus smiles, "Mmm, things are going well for all of us. Franses and I are thinking about children, I'm thinking about putting Tesk up for a mating flight, and I think that's about the extent of things. Ah, and the craft, well I'm busy as ever."

Marian isn't weyrbred but she's been in and out of Ista Weyr her entire life she might as well be, and acts enough like one to fool any stranger. "You were intending to muss my hair." she says primly to Vioterin, though her eyes glint wickedly.

Moyrel smiles sincerely at Vioterin's optimism for her daughter. "She's a good kid. A sweet kid. A bit uppity sometimes, but what eleven turn old kid isn't, eh? That's another thing. I never thought I'd ever be cut out to be a parent, before Kylar—but I love that kid with all my heart, and she's turning out okay, thank Faranth." Pause for just a heartbeat. "As for the ale, actually I prefer a nice delicate wine myself." To Tellus: "Aye, it's been a while since last I saw Franses. As for children, they're the best thing in the world for you. Their youthful exuberance will make you feel young."

Lomare snorts. "/Leona/ told me no drinking." she tells Vioterin. Leona quickly interrupts with, "That's because you have an alcohol problem. Honestly, if I didn't know better I'd say Lakareth himself was drunk when he picked you. He may well have been, you /reeked/ of the stuff, and you know how sniffy search dragons get. I'm glad you found time to shower." Ordinary sibling rivalry, or something more? Hard to tell really. Leona isn't the most family-oriented person, as she proves by saying, "Babies are noisy. And they smell. And my son is teething. If anyone wants to watch him for a while, I'm sure my mate will appreciate the break." and she's serious with that offer. "I'll even throw in my own sulky eleven turn old daughter."

Jeriah aws in that very very feminine, thinking about having kids herself kind of way. "I agree with Moyrel, I think it's great, and I think you'll both make great parents." She doesn't really have much more to say on the subject, so she doesn't. "I'm supposing that keeping busy with the craft is good, so long as it's not too busy then."

Vioterin crosses his arms and gives Marian a long, stern look. "No violence for Candidates," he says. It might be difficult to tell if he's teasing her or not, if he didn't grin immediately afterward. "Don't think I won't get you back for that one, sooner or later," he says, his grin becoming outright impish. "Just you wait."
He then returns his attention to Moyrel. "I don't know. I can't remember a lot about being eleven, but the kids in the caravan were as different as stones in a field." He shrugs. "I'm glad to hear she does well," he concludes.
He then grins at Lomare. "Drinking too much is unhealthy," he agrees. "Anyhow, surely you can go a few months without a drink?"

Moyrel smiles. "I almost regret having put of starting a family for so long. Family life has been the best thing to happen to me. I think I'm getting a bit old for any more children of my own, alas. On the other hand, looking after some of the younger Apprentices can be a challenge in itself." She gives a nod to Jeriah. "Indeed," she adds, to Tellus, "I can see the pair of you as fine parents to someone." To Leona: "Patience. It's all about patience. That, and love them."

Tellus shifts her attention to Moyrel for a moment edges a smile on her mouth, "You think so?" Well she can't wait to share with her mate then. Tellus is up to feeling younger. But there's probably a catch in there somewhere. "Franses has been rather busy herself." A fond smile lights up her face. "Quite right Jeriah. Most of my time has been doing annual inspections, but that's about to taper off. So with luck she and I can start working towards our first child." The woman blushes, "Oh, you're to kind, Moyrel."

Marian tweaks the end of Vioterin's nose. "Violence would be me punching you in the face." she says to him. Then she seems to renotice everyone around her, and decides to join in the conversation. "I tried several different crafts but nothing appealed to me." she comments.

Leona snorts and shakes her head. "Patience is Karell's department. I'm far too busy for that. I've barely got a free moment to myself, except when I'm bathing Lakareth. Some days I really love the way he won't let anyone near unless it is absolutely necessary." she smiles, and nods. "Of course, I get a moment away from the kids when Lakareth hunts, too. Karell doesn't want them to see that. I don't know why, it's a normal part of Weyr life." she shrugs.

Moyrel nods. "Aye," she says, and lays a hand on Tellus' shoulder. "And maybe it'll bring Franses out of her shell a little more. Sakes, I thought /I/ was reclusiveor at least I used to be, in my younger days. I seem to be one of those people who age backwardold when young, young when old. Well, middle-aged, actually—but yes, having a child does still help in that area I'm certain." To Leona she says, "Yes, it is. Kylar's been exposed to everything that dragons do, with the possible exception of a mating flight, and that mainly because she hasn't had the opportunity to witness one yet, and she's not even weyrbred. On the other hand, she's always been in awe of dragons."

Vioterin seems to have settled into listening mode, until Marian tweaks his nose. Batting at her hands, he shakes his head, which sends his longish hair tossing. "Heeeey! Just because I have a long nose doesn't mean you have to grab at it!" Then it's back to listening mode, glancing from person to person thoughtfully. Like Jeriah, he doesn't really have much to say about children. He glances toward Ronnel as if considering striking up a conversation with the Minecrafter.
Meanwhile, Sherred happily exclaims, "You know, I hope I have kids when I'm older! But I don't know about sticking with just one partner… that seems boring. I envy the green and blueriders! They get to—" She blushes, realizing what she was about to say. "Er… nevermind." She could be the picture of innocence -now-…

"I think she's been doing well, " admits Tellus fondly. "We had a rough time of it when Danath was injured. I was afraid I was going to loose them both. But, " she says with a relieved sigh, "we all made it through. For a moment Tellus glances towards the candidates, catching bits of this and that.

Leona shakes her head. "I'm sure they've both seen dragons hunting by now, although Leonell is only a turn and a half so he probably doesn't know what was going on. Karell still insists they be sheltered and protected. They live in a sharding Weyr, of course they're going to see dragons eat from time to time. And flights. And all manner of things Karell deems 'unsavoury'." she rolls her eyes. Lomare snorts, "Leave him already, then. You're always complaining about him. Find some nice greenrider to shack up with or something. Your attachment to Karell is repressing Lakareth." Leona glares at her sister, then scowls. Because, of course, Lakareth is her Achilles heel. "I think you've sobered up enough now, it's chores for you." she says in a very frosty tone. "And you can /start/ with the latrines."

Moyrel chuckles and grins at Sherred. "Aye, 'tis good to play a broad field. I did, a little, when I was young, but it's pretty much just K'urk nowadaysand for some reason Daoth doesn't go chasing much." She rolls her eyes at Leona's catalogue on Karellnot so much the remarks qua remarks as the behaviours being described. "Hell's shells, he lives in a ruddy /weyr/ and doesn't want the kids watching dragons? Good sharding luck on that one."

Marian laughs delightedly at Vioterin. "You're right, it is a long nose. I might have to start hanging clothes on it to dry." she giggles. "I want kids someday, or maybe just be a foster parent. Little kids are so cute and it's really nice watching them grow up."

"Oh?" Tellus smiles at Marian, "it'll probably be a while for you, but that depends on if you impress or not."

Leona does point out on Karell's behalf, "We did live in Holds, before I impressed. Little hard to accommodate a great big brown like Lakareth though, especially with that leg of his. He benefits from constant dragonhealer attention, and they generally only live where dragons are." she shrugs. "We've been together nearly twenty turns, Lakareth only hatched eight ago. He'd be a poor mate if he just upped and left because I impressed." Lomare meanwhile is stubbornly refusing to go to her Leona-imposed latrine-chores, and she turns to Jeriah for assistance, "Can she do that?" she asks the goldrider, nodding to Leona, "Give me latrine duty, I mean?"

The Trader Candidate rolls his eyes at Marian. "Oh, now, is that so?" he asks, crossing his arms. "Why I even put up with such cruelties…" Once again he puts on a totally serious expression for a few moments, playing on his well-practiced trader's face. Then he grins amusedly. "You try it and I'll tell Rogue and my firelizards to sleep on your cot," he threatens, although his eyes glitter with amusement, and he looks like he might laugh. "You know, I'm not sure if I want to be a father someday or not. But it's not something I need to worry about either, as long as I'm a Candidate." He gives one of his impish lopsided smiles at that.
Sherred giggles. "Hey, after this is over, big boy, you can have one with me!" she says in a singsong tone. Vio winces and casually moves a few steps away from Sherred, reddening. "Hmph," she says, a little offendedly. "Fine, then!" And she goes to put her moves on Ronnell instead.

Marian laughs at Vioterin. "Seems like you've already got that set up for you." she teases him. "Women throwing themselves at you and everything!" Tellus is nodded at. "Oh, I don't intend to any time soon, but eventually."

Jeriah nods and takes in a sudden long breath, waiting a long time before speaking perhaps belatedly. "I've been through hurricanes before, but…..that was something worse than any storm I've sat out before. I'm very glad they came through alright."

Lomare snorts. "If you want children so badly, go hang around where there's a flight. There's always a few that go home empty-handed, riders of both gender." she snickers at her sister. What, making fun of Lakareth for not chasing, and now for /losing/? "It's what our sister did." the older candidate adds, with a laugh. She /still/ isn't moving to do those latrine chores her older sister ordered. Leona scowls at her sister. "If you keep going this way, I'll take you back to Telgar and you can apologise to Marelon yourself."

Tellus smiles at Marian, "Yes, probably hold off until you found out what's in store for you." Then she looks to Jeriah with a matronly smile, "Is everything alright Jeriah? You seem predisposed." She shoots Sherred a rather loathesome look.

Moyrel azrches an eyebrow at Lomare. "Sakes kid. Maybe you /should/ impress one of these." She jerks her head toward the eggs. "Just to experience a flight. Then again, what do I know, eh?"

Marian looks at the eggs one last time, and then excuses herself, but not before elbowing Vioterin again and scampering off. Ha, she wins!

Chances are Sherred was only joking. Nevertheless, she obviously isn't passing up the chance to tease. Now Ronnell, whatever she said to him, is blushing and stalking off. She doesn't follow, instead giggling and, as she notices Tellus's dark look, wiggling her fingers into a wave as she moves to get a better view of the gallery. "I bet that really big one's a gold," she calls out happily. Is the girl never quiet?
Meanwhile, Vio shakes his head at Marian. "No, just the flirts," he responds, and gives a smirk. Not that he doesn't appreciate it of course. And then he's elbowed again. "HEY!" He runs after her a short way, then turns back and settles down on a bench, keeping half his attention on the congregation, and the other half split between his three firelizards and Sherred. He can't let her take him by surprise again!

Leona scowls at Lomare. For her part, Lomare shrugs. "Flights can't be all that bad. Leona here copes with them alright." Is that a compliment, or an insult? It's hard to tell. Leona makes a show of turning away and looking to the sands. "Hm, that egg looks rather warm, and cold." she comments, gesturing to the 'Fire in the Darkness' egg, unknowingly picking the exact same one her sister had commented - though differently - on earlier.

A stranger. Yes, the weyr is big and many faces are unfamiliar but with the unique markings on the man's face and his height, one would be hard pressed to not at least have seen him around before. He takes a few long strided steps up into the gallery and a crooked angular grin comes to his face as he first hears and then sees the animated 'discussion' in the Hatching Sands gallery. (Zubayr)

Moyrel stands near the banister, occasionally looking down at the eggs, regarding this or that one, as the conversation goes on. "Quite possible," she says to Ronnell. Then, to Lomare: "Dragonflights are one of the greatest thrills, if not the greatest, in a rider's life, from what I know." To the newcomer the Masterharper gives a friendly smile and an equally friendly wave. "Hello," she greets.

Jeriah hrms? and then smiles demurely. "I am, I'm sorry. I'm going over all the hide work still to be done, and the this-es and that-s that still have to be done and trying to work out how I'll manage to get them done with Teloriith being such a whiney little bit. She's just about insufferable lately, can't stand for me to be away for much longer than the quickest of baths."

Tellus seems in somewhat deep conversation with Jeriah, her only moment of distration is keeping that loathesome look on Sherred. It lightens up when Jeriah speaks, "Hmm? Oh right. You should get yourself an assistant, to help with your work, all you weyrwoman should." She happens to spot the stranger, taking note then returning her attention back to Jeriah. "I feel for you gold riders. Thankfully wher are a bit more independent. To a point."

"Riders?" Zubayr speaks, his voice low with a growling tone to it. "Trust a rider yes." The man's grin continues as he pulls his hair back away from his face. "But make one upset and they'll forget all of those lovely ideals they hold onto." He notices Moyrel's wave and nods to her as he takes a few more long steps to look down at the Sands. "Not saying riders are bad. Saying I don't trust them." He offers to the sands.

"That one?" Vio asks, indicating Fire in the Darkness egg and looking to Lomare. "I like that one, too. And the other black one," he adds, pointing to it. "And that one that looks like there's a mountain on it. Oh, and that one that looks like a starry—"

Sherred turns just long enough to say, "Silly trader, you can't like them -all-!"
Vio just ignores the remark. "So, er… I understand we're going to have to go down there and touch them, sometime…" he says, looking toward the riders.
The arrival of the stranger then takes his attention. "Hey… what have you got against riders? I'm sure not all of them are the best people in the world, but they're still people. If you don't trust them, then you can't trust anyone else, either."

Lomare eyes Moyrel skeptically. "Flights are an excuse to have affairs." she says, with uncharacteristic feeling behind her words. "Some don't need that excuse." she snorts, and shakes her head, muttering to herself. Leona frowns, and glances over to her sister with concern. "Alright. That's enough for one day, I'll have Lakareth take you up to my weyr, for tonight only. Tomorrow night, you're in the barracks and doing chores with the rest of them." As for the egg, Leona had been the most recent to notice it, but Lomare repeats her earlier comment, "Looks like it's on fire."

Jeriah giggles a little ruefully. "That's perhaps the irritating thing about this, normally she's very independant and isn't bothered if I only see her long enough to get her bathed and oiled and see her once more before I fall asleep in my bed. And in truth, I'm the assistant to the Weyrwoman, I aught to get more done. I normally do. And then there's always wondering about Barashyn, if he'll come for a visit, have I time to visit him, and lately I just haven't. Not that in the turn and some since I graduated that we've managed to solidify anything between us…." She sighs. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to whine….."

Moyrel nods acknowledgingly to Zubayr. "I'm very much indebted to riders," she asserts, "one in particular, though he'll still all too humbly say it's all in the line of duty, blah. It's been a while since I've seen him though. I should pay him a surprise visit at Western one of these days, probably." To Jeriah: "I know the feeling, believe me. I have a whole craft under my thumb and most of the time I'm wishing can get more done. Maybe I'm just lazy."

Heavy footsteps can be heard more or less bounding up the stone staircase before a tall young man with a messy blonde runnertail steps into view. Mahdemaske has a moment of surprise upon seeing people here, but it fades quickly and is replaced by his usual brazen half-grin. He tucks his hands deep into his pockets and meanders alongside the railing, his bright blue eyes turning themselves over it so he can look down at the Sands. Rather than walk into people like some sort of idiot, he instead turns abruptly on a heel to face the railing, those eyes narrowing so he can get a better look at the eggs themselves. Hmmmmmmmm.

"Riders, like I said, can be usefull. But they aren't to be trusted. I don't know how one could make rational decisions by being attached to something else." Zub motions to the sands again, grinning as he turns around and leans back against the edge of the railing. "Well, that never stopped my mother or father of course."

Tellus waves off Jeriah's apology with a dismissive gesture, "Oh think nothing of it Jeriah. Sometimes we need a little shoulder to lean on." Tellus looks to the stranger, "Now that's a man must have been married to ten women at once."

Moyrel frowns slightly. "The father of my daughter is a rider. I like to think that that was a rational decision, even if I'm not a rider myself." The frown melts into a smile. "He's simply wonderful, too, in my not so humble opinion, a fine mate to me and a fine father to Kylar."

Jeriah had been trying to ignore the opinions of the newcomer, but try as she might that she can't seem to let lie. "Everyone becomes attached to something, whether or not it's as deep as a rider's bond with their dragon. Basicly, we make rational decisions the same way anyone else does, with the information presented to us and an analysis of the situation with our brains. We don't always make the right decisions, but then again, no one always makes the right decisions. If that were the case, the world would be alot less intresting." Perhaps it's just because she's practiced at being tactful, or perhaps it's just that she's too tired and worn out to allow her irritation fully to go in her words, but either way she's utterly calm. After the interruption, she smiles again to Tellus and Moyrel. "Well, I apreciate your listening to me, I do feel starved for human conversation lately."

Leona frowns at this Zubayr fellow, and says sarcastically, "Why, thankyou, it's nice to know that I 'can be useful'." Lomare is quick to chime in with, "Though you certainly aren't to be tristed, L'ona." she says, with a snicker. With that, Leona takes the candidate by the arm, and leads her outside. When she returns several minutes later, she is alone.

Zubayr chuckles at the responses to his assertations of riderhood. "I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to be a rider, or to be with a rider.. " He motions to himself. "I'm a product of TWO riders myself. And I certainly wouldn't trust me." He grins even more broadly at that. "Lets just say, I appreciate riders but I am, well." He aps the scar on his chin. "A little wary of them."

Vioterin gives a sudden yawn. "Well, I guess it's time to get to bed. I'll be up before dawn again. It keeps the others on their toes," he adds with a grin. Noticing the unfamiliar Candidate who has approached in the meantime, he offers a friendlier smile and a wave. Then he bows formally to the riders, the queen dragon, and Moyrel, and proceeds to make his way toward the stairs.

Tellus smiles at Moyrel, holding some thought back for the moment. "Or even firelizard or watch-wher." Chimes in the miner. "Ah, he's the sort of person who complains about farmers while eating his meals. No matter, folks are entitled to some sort of opinion." The grinning candidate (Mahdemaske) is looked upon with a smile, "Ah, another one of Annette's lot." To Jeriah she says, "If you're in the mood for company just have yours speak with Tesk, he'll be happy to let me know, Jeriah."

Moyrel chuckles softly. "A bit wary? Well, I guess it's justifiable, in some cases. We all have our little flaws, riders and crafters and anyone. Besides, the /dragons/ probably keep the riders on the up and up more than anyone else." To Vioterin: "Well, you have a good night then. Get some rest while you can; if you Impress, your work will be cut out for a while."

Leona frowns at Zubayr's scar. "It's been my experience that dragons have been fussy with who they choose for a partner. I seem to have found the fussiest of the lot, although he never seemed to apply that to me, it was more 'you'll do' for us, both of us." she shrugs. "Even so, weyrlinghood usually cures most of their … well, graduated riders are generally not going to attack someone without at least *some* kind of reason, not if they had a halfway decent weyrlingmaster."

Mahdemaske tilts his head back when someone takes note of him, grinning openly in Vioterin's direction and offering him a light wave before he leans heavily on the railing, forearms loosely crossed. He looks curiously over at the others, only to arch a brow when Tellus comments on him as 'Annette's lot', arms shifting to fold over his stomach instead, "What's that mean?"

Jeriah shrugs, "I was once kidnapped by Renegades, yet I don't fear them all, or think them all to be horrid people. To lump all people of a certian profession together just because of bad experiances with one or two people also of that profession is terrifically unfair to the rest of the people who aren't like the ones you'd been wronged by." Raised eyebrows and a grin slide across the junior's face, "I might just take you up on that, you know Tellus."

"He thought he had a good reason. I was fifteen turns." Zub shrugs before he grins at Jeriah's mention of being captured herself. "Well, perhaps. He didn't like the fact his Weyrmate wasn't quite faithfull." A shrug comes to the man's shoulders. "Not my fault."

Tellus grins at the Mahdemaske, "You've not met the junior Headwoman? Tsk tsk. No matter, welcome to Ista's Lot then. I'm sure you know everybody, I'm Journeyman Tellus, watch-wher handler to Tesk." She saves a gentle nod for Jeriah, "Good, we're up all hours. You know how wher are."

Vio pauses in his progress and nods to Moyrel. "Be that as it may, don't put your money on me, if you bet on who Impresses," he advises. "There are many more Candidates than eggs. I've not met them all, but I've seen them sleeping, and seen their things in the barracks. Speaking of which…" he saunters onward, down the stairs, calling back over his shoulder to the others, "Take care, all!"

Leona frowns at Zubayr, and seems about to say something else, but she shakes her head. Who is she to comment on the love life of fifteen year olds, when that was the age she met and ran away with Karell? Instead, she stands. "Very fine clutch, Jeriah, Teloriith," she says, nodding to the goldrider and then the gold in turn, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish what I was doing when Lakareth decided to bring back another candidate. Crazy brown." she snorts in affection and amusement, before heading out to the bowl.

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