Telgar Weyr Bowl - Leona - June 7th, 2006

Telgar Weyr - Center of the Bowl

A nearly circular bowl, surrounded on all sides with the sheer soaring cliff walls of the now dormant volcano that once formed Telgar. Hard packed earth, leveled to nearly flat by the passage of feet, both human and dragon with the odd intrusion of rock that is sheared off to keep the area safe to traverse. Two openings can be seen from this area, one the gigantic oval teardrop shape that leads on into the hatching grounds and nearly opposite the much smaller doorway that leads into the communal living areas for the weyr.

Ethne walks out of the living caverns with a smile on her face as she seems content about something.

Leona is leaning against the bowl wall, chatting with a group of riders. "Oh wow, I haven't seen you in so long. And you impressed the hatching before last? Way to go!" she says, apparantly catching up with old friends. She's near the living caverns entrance, so she notices Ethne, and waves.

Ethne nods with a wave as she sees Leona and quietly walks over towards the other young woman.

Leona grins. "Well now, T'rel, don't be a stranger." she says, as she walks away from the group, laughing. She turns to Ethne then, with a smile. "Hey, you seem to be in a good mood." she says, slightly curious.

Ethne smiles as she says softly. "Oh just glad the latest batch of bread I made with a newer recipe turned out well." She laughs. "It was more of an experiment batch."

Leona nods slowly. "Ah, sounds interesting." Well, no, not really. But Leona never was much into bread. She's more of a meat and ale kind of gal. She's still happy for Ethne though, and she grins. "That's good. I've just been catching up with some of the kids I grew up with. I'm a little jealous though, most of them seem to have impressed since I left." she rolls her eyes.

Ethne nods quietly as she says. "I can imagine it would be a bit hard I suppose. I don't know too many of any kids I grew up Impressing." She shrugs.

Leona shrugs. "I'm happy with my life, I wouldn't change a thing. But a part of me, well…" she shrugs again. "It's just hard, you know? All my friends have grown up and gotten their own lives now, and I'm left out, watching from the sidelines." she shrugs then, and smiles. "Not that I /really/ wanted to impress or anything. If I had, I'd have stayed in the Weyr." she points out.

Ethne nods quietly as she replies. "Yes I can understand that… I've had friends that have moved on, my sister and brother have families now… I love being in the Baker Craft but I need more to my life than just that." She sighs.

Leona nods, "That's it exactly. It's the moving on part that I don't like. I'm happy for them, I really am, but …" yeah.

Ethne says softly as she looks around. "Well maybe you might get your chance with the clutch on the sands?"

Leona laughs, and shakes her head. "I doubt it. But thanks, that cheered me up." she says, still snickering over the possibility. "I've got a mate and a kid. I think I'm pretty unsearchable, by that alone. And then there's my age…" she grins.

Ethne nods just listening before she says in response. "Once I'm done here I'll be going likely to a posting at Xanadu Weyr. Start working towards my senior journeyman project." She smiles.

Leona grins, and nods. "I'm not sure where I'll be headed next. This is just my first posting, after all." Late joiner to the craft, here. She shrugs. "Probably to another Weyr. Weyrs always need tanned hides, for straps and stuff."

Ethne smiles brightly. "That's all too true, just like they need bakers as well. Hard to go wrong with what we provide people." She winks.

Leona nods. "I might look at some place on the southern continent, actually. Never been there." she says, nodding. "I joined a craft for the free travel, really." she says, only half joking.

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